Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Update - 184 days to Hawai'i - ENGLISH version


It feels like time is running a little bit faster now. Finally spring has started and the nature overschoots. I don't like wintertime when there is only dreary brown and grey outside. Okay, it makes springtime even more beautiful and imposing but alltough I could do without.
After my last update, the to-do list has not changed since I was busy with other things. I'm still reading a lot about the islands and there's still so much to find out. I note that the priorities of all the things I want to do and see begin to move. Can someone please extend the day by a few hours? I need more! 🕒 😉

14 years ago, I was in the States for the last time. Time flies by. And with age, this impression becomes stronger - so it is said. It's alarming, but it also makes it clear that you should live consciously every day. Even though it's not that easy every day, I try it.

At that time in 2005 I already noticed the global effects of 9/11 on traveling. More safety precautions were only a part of it and and yet I have this trip to America with onward journey to Panama in good memory. Whether at customs, at baggage check, on the plane or at the various airports - everywhere we were received with kindness, understanding and openness. I hope that has not been completely lost.

Although I have not been there yet, this Hawai'i thing has already changed me and is still changing me. There is a lot going on with me and my life right now. So much movement and change. Some days I do not recognize myself, but it all feels so good and right. Someone recently advised me "Grow and be the person you want to be." and it seems that I am in this process. I'm so thankful no matter who or whatever led me on this path. Of course, I would prefer to start this trip today rather than tomorrow, but it is better to have time before I leave because I think this process will take some more time. My people are already recognizing the changes I'm undergoing. Some are astonished, others do not understand it. I love that most of them confirm and encourage me. Thanks to all my dear friendsMahalo e oʻu mau hoa🙏

I'm so excited where my Hawai'i thing will take me. No matter where to, I am looking forward. I have an idea, but it is far too early to talk about it. The journey is the destination, they say.  I'm ready and I'll follow this path. 

"Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you." 

Aloha! 🌴🌺🙏

⤇  Thanks for reading! Comments & thoughts appreciated. 


  1. Muy bueno ,si, el miedo paraliza ,así que sigue con tus sueños y metas ,no es fácil pero no imposible

    1. Thank u for reading and commenting. I'm sure you can achieve anything if you make an effort! Gracias!
