Friday, March 29, 2019

Update - 216 days to Hawai'i - ENGLISH version


10 weeks ago we booked the journey and I knew I need to be patient. But frankly speaking I did not expected that it would be so hard for me. 😕

There is still enough to take care of:
- a new passport & photos for it
- renew driver's license
- apply for Visa (shortly before departure)
- hotel booking Waikiki Beach still pending

Some weeks ago I opened a Twitter account because I thought to get actual information about the islands that way. It took me a while to find out how it works. Basically a good idea but quickly you're temped to follow all kinds of people, organisations and companies like photographers, airlines, local press, travel portals, real estate agents and rentals. I am very fascinated by Hawai'i and I am excited still learning so much new about the islands. Every day, many beautiful pictures and nice videos are posted that make it hard for me to stay patient. Okay, I should not complain about it, because it's my own decision to look at it. This is a 'complaining on a high level' because I am in the lucky position of being able to afford this journey - and I know this of course. 😇

... and then I can follow the Twitter accounts of my favourite actors and musicians. Just click the follow button and you'll get all the news. But guess? Of course I ended up in some fandoms of Hawaii-Five-0. Oh Lord! What's going on there?! So much information! It is really exciting to read where and when filming takes place and to see snapshots and videos of the actors and their work. Though, seeing the disrespect and recklessness of some people towards the actors makes me sad. Indeed I saw in a video the main actors trying to drive away some impudent fans which where obstructing the filming. I saw bodyguards who had to intervene because of irreverent fans. And I think: Seriously folks? How would you feel if someone behaved in this way towards you?😬

Sadly I know that it's everywhere the same way and that I am not going to save the world. However, I can not hold back: Respect, kindness, politeness, tolerance, honesty. Everyone should behave as they would like to be treated by others. When everyone would start with himself we could achieve so much and we could really make a difference. Think about it! We would have won a lot this way, I'm sure. Don't you agree? 😉

In this context, I would like to quote one of my favorite actors who unfortunately has already passed away.

Robin Williams 

This is so true!


⤇  Thanks for reading! Comments & thoughts appreciated. ⤆

Update - noch 216 Tage bis Hawai'i

Oh man! 

Als wir vor 10 Wochen gebucht haben, war mir ja klar, dass ich einen langen Atem würde beweisen müssen. Man sagt 'Vorfreude ist die schönste Freude', dass es mir aber bereits nach 2,5 Monaten so schwer fallen würde, habe ich doch nicht erwartet. 
Muss ich ehrlich zugeben! 😕

Es ist noch genug zu erledigen, bis zu unserem Abreisetag am 01. November: 

- Reisepass beantragen & Fotos dafür machen lassen
- Führerschein erneuern lassen (Hab' noch dieses schreckliche rosafarbene Teil)
- Visa beantragen (was aber erst ein paar Wochen vor Abreisedatum Sinn macht)
- Hotel am Waikiki Beach für die erste Nacht buchen

In einem Anflug von Keine-Ahnung-was-ich-hier-tue habe ich vor ein paar Wochen ein Konto bei Twitter angelegt, weil ich mir dachte, damit möglichst gut an aktuelle Informationen über und von den Inseln zu kommen. Die Idee war nicht schlecht, doch man ist schnell verleitet, allen möglichen Leuten, Organisationen und Unternehmen zu folgen: Fluglinien, lokale Presse, Reiseportale, Immobilien, Fotografen. Ja okay, ich lese viele interessante Fakten und vergrößere mein Wissen über Hawai'i. Das interessiert mich alles wirklich sehr, weil meine Faszination für dieses Thema ungebrochen ist. Doch die beeindruckenden Fotos und schönen Videos, machen mir den Alltag teilweise echt zur Hölle! Aber gut, ich habe es ja selbst in der Hand, also darf ich mich auch nicht beschweren. Klagen auf hohem Niveau ist das, denn so eine Reise kann sich noch lange nicht jeder leisten - auch das weiß ich natürlich. 😇

Und dann sind da auch noch die Twitter Profile meiner Lieblinge aus Film, TV und Musik, denen man folgen kann. Einmal kurz auf den Folge-Knopf gedrückt und schon hat man tagesaktuell die neuesten Informationen. Was soll ich euch sagen? Es kam wie es kommen musste: Natürlich bin ich in den Fanforen von Hawaii-Five-0 gelandet. Oh man oh man oh man! Was da ab geht! Es ist spannend zu lesen, wo und wann gedreht wird und Fotos, Schnappschüsse und Videos von den Dreharbeiten sehen zu können, ja doch! Jedoch muss man die Respekt- und Rücksichtslosigkeit mancher Menschen meiner Meinung nach echt kritisieren. Da sehe ich tatsächlich in einem Video wie sich die Hauptdarsteller bemühen müssen unverschämte Fans zu verscheuchen, die sie bei den laufenden Dreharbeiten behindern! Oder Fans, die sich respektlos verhalten, so dass Bodyguards eingreifen müssen! Und ich denke: Leute, ernsthaft?!  😬

Es ist trauriger Weise überall so. Ich weiß auch, dass ich die Welt nicht retten werde. Respekt, Freundlichkeit, Toleranz, Rücksicht, Redlichkeit. Wie wäre es, wenn man erst einmal das Hirn einschaltet und darüber nachdenkt wie man selbst behandelt werden möchte und sich dann auch so anderen gegenüber verhält? Wenn jeder bei sich selbst anfangen würde, könnten wir alle zusammen schon Einiges erreichen. Ich glaube, damit hätten wir schon eine Menge gewonnen. Oder nicht? 😉

In diesem Sinne möchte ich einen meiner leider bereits verstorbenen Lieblingsschauspieler zitieren:

Robin Williams

"Sei freundlich zu unfreundlichen Menschen; sie brauchen es am Meisten." 

Das ist so wahr!
Aloha! 🌴🌺🙏

⤇ Vielen Dank fürs Lesen! Kommentare & Gedanken erwünscht. ⤆

Friday, March 22, 2019

If you never go, you'll never know - ENGLISH version

or in other words - I CAN’T KEEP CALM - I’m going to Hawaii!

(Extra information: This is an article I wrote for the TraumHawaii community - linked below)

I am looking out of the window - it's snowing. Yes, it's winter but here in the West of North Rhine
Westphalia in Germany quite close to the Dutch border snow is rare. If there is snow then it usualy
thaws away quickly. I don't like winter times. No, that is not completely true: I don't like winter
times over here. The cold temperatures, the moisture, this Yuck weather - I really don't need that and
that's why I get longing every year at this time. California, Florida, Caribbean, etc. - I start thinking
about all those places that are synonymous with nice warm weather. From November until February,
I am mostly in a bad mood because I miss the sun and the light and because I prefere to wear light
clothes. However, this winter it's different. I will fulfill a long cherished dream and right now I am in
the middle of planning. Planning this trip feels like a great adventure awaits me - perhaps the
greatest adventure of my life.

After reading my first few lines, you already suspect that I don't really like winter sports. As long as I
can remember, I love the sun and the sea. Sun, ocean, wind, palm trees and coconuts! So it's no
wonder that I have this dream of someday traveling to Hawai'i. In November this year, I will realize
my dream. I would like to relate how I came to this decision.

In Germany, we have an saying: All roads lead to Rome. For me all roads lead to Hawai'i. For some
years, my life partner and I travel one or two times a year to the Canary Islands. Always same place,
always same hotel on Fuerteventura. We found there a kind of second home where we feel very
comfortable and where we can take a relaxing break from our exhausting everyday life. Not long ago I
told my partner that he would have to travel with me to Hawai'i someday. Maybe when we are retired.

Christmas 2017 the stone began to roll slowly. My partner has four kids: Three boys and a girl who
live with thieir mother but are with him regularly. When we spent the holidays together the 13 years old
daughter committed me to watch Hawaii Five-0 with her. The series was not new to me but I had never
seen a whole episode until then. Quickly I was very impressed and enthusiastic. Okay I have to admit
that it was the handsome leading actor too but also the stories of the individual characters and the
cases they had to solve where so intriguing that my curiosity was aroused. The beautful shots of the
islands reminded me of the old series Magnum P.I. with Tom Selleck and I had loved watching it.
Hawaii Five-0 fans know that the backround story of the characters is complex and so I bought all
available seasons on DVD and started watching the series from the very beginning. Frankly speaking
I muss confess that the McGarrett fever had also seized me. However, I had no idea what else this
would entail.

Through the bonus material on the DVDs, I found out that, much of these filming locations actually
existed and that many information about Hawai'i, culture and traditions were true. By the time I found
out that the Nation of Hawai'i and Bumpy Kanahele really existed, my curiousity became thirst for
knowledge. I began to research and to read about the history of the islands. During my search on
the internet, I came across the wonderful website TraumHawaii and the reading list of Michaela -
called Ela - brought me to the religion and culture of Hawai'i.

It sounds clichéd when I say that theses books changed my life, I know that. But that's exactly how
it is. Ho'oponopono, the Huna teachings, the Aloha Spirit. These topics cracked into my life and I was
overwhelmed because they got so much under my skin. It felt like a revelation. Maybe I was so open-
minded about these topics because I was educated less religiously and I also could never identify with
the Christian religion. In these books I found myself in an unimaginable degree. My feelings and thoughts
were so confused and it felt as if I had opened Pandora's box - in a positive sense. There was definitely
no stopping or turning back - I had to go on, and my partner with me. I often felt sorry for him when it
hit me so much on the emotional level that my tears were running. Especially with the Ho'oponopono,
I realized that I still had to work up a lot of my past. If you don't have a past when you are in your
mid-forties you have done something wrong or not yet lived. Anyway, I went through a kind of process
and I am very grateful that I could discuss with Ela because at times I thought I would literally go crazy.
Dear Ela, at this point please accept my Mahalo nui loa for everything! By the way, I am learning
Hawaiian since December (Duolingo) and I love it!

In my head, the idea gradually formed that this had to have a deeper meaning what had been going
on for weeks in my life and inside me. I realized that I have to go there to find out if this is really the
case. Not at some point, but now! Therefore, I decided that I wanted to do it in 2019 and I asked my
partner to come with me. If his answer had been NO, I would travel without him - this was clear.
However, he said YES and so we started thinking about details. We will start with O'ahu. Due to the
long journey and my extensive to do list, we will spend three weeks there that is probably still not
enough. We have decided to rent a holiday home that is located directly on the beach. In order to be
flexible and independent we take a rental car for the time. Due to our arrival in the late evening, we will
spend the first night in one of the Waikiki Beach hotels. We will arrive in the dark and start the first day
with one of the most beautiful views in the world - that is the plan. The flights, the rental car and the
house are booked and we will start on 1st November. I deliberately chose November because it is
considered a low season.

I want to look around on the Farmer Markets, in Chinatown and on the International Marketplace.
I want to experience a Luau and see the Hula dance. I want to hike on various trails and explore the
beautiful nature around. I want to see Hanauma Bay, waterfalls and rainbows. I want to taste
Shave Ice and Malasadas, Kona Coffee and Hawai'i Cocktails. I want to visit Pearl Harbor and get in
contact with the Locals. I want to swim in the ocean, snorkeling, trying stand up paddling, and so
much more. I am sure we will have a stunning, memorable and great time on O'ahu and therefore I
will record all the impressions and experiences in a travel blog. For me, for my loved ones at home
and anyone who wants to read it.

Everything sounds good so far. Remains to mention that this paradise has also some dark sides. Many
people can't afford an apartment or a house even though they have a job. Therefore they live in tents.
Livelihood is immensely expensive compared to Europe because the islands have to import about
90% of all goods. There are also some interesting non-touristic topics such as the Hawaiian's
reputation for being far more advanced than we are in Europe when it comes to nature conservation
and sustainable land management.

It is definitely going to be insteresting and exciting!

Here in Germany we have a saying: Dreams are made of lather.
I see it different: Dreams have a reason & they give us the opportunity to grow.

(written End of January 2019)

⤇  Thanks for reading! Comments & thoughts appreciated. ⤆