Tuesday, June 4, 2019

In the meantime - ENGLISH version

This world is such a wonderful place! At least mostly...

I have to admit that I love the internet. πŸ’— I can meet people all over the world at any time and find information about everything. Granted, it also makes our world pretty small. Nevertheless, I am sure that you will know the reassuring feeling when you find out that other people have the same difficulties and challenges of daily life like you. Meanwhile, I  have a lot of fun with this "Twitter thing". πŸ˜ƒ

It's a fact that most of the time we only look as far as we can really see. So we figuratively see only down the street and that's it. We drive to work, to kindergarten or school, go shopping, do sports - and return home and continue with household and family. Manageable distances but sometimes you feel left alone and overtaxed by the daily chaos of our fast-moving time. And it is reassuring and encouraging at such moments to find out that you are not alone. πŸ˜…πŸ’•

Similarity creates sympathy. That's how we humans are and there are others who, like me, look forward to their Hawaii vacation and can't wait. It's an exciting thing to make an appointment with strangers at your dream destination to drink umbrella cocktails (This thing between Steve McGarrett and Joe White on #H50) because by chance you're on the island at the same time. Even if these people literally live around the corner - globally seen. It's equally nice to find out that you are not alone with your love for Hawaii, but that this "Hawaii thing" has changed the lives of other people as well.

Sharing joy and pain - that's the point, because today we all suffer from lack of time. Work and family today take up most of our time. Having time for yourself is therefore pure luxury. So on Sunday evening after a long weekend, I read the tweet of a mother of three boys from the other side of the world "Just some days with 4 Neanderthal males drives me close to insanity." I could not resist sending her a little motivational tweet and adding the comment that kids around the world are the same and my partner has four (in numbers: 4) of them! πŸ˜‚ As already mentioned: similarity creates sympathy and we all need now and then a kind word, a little appreciation or whatever is needed to make us feel better again. I'm no exception - especially since this "Hawaii thing" has seized me. πŸ˜‰πŸŒ΄πŸŒΊ

And then there are these many many fans of my favorite series, Hawaii Five-O. Together we are excited for the announcement of the  new season, analyze and discuss the story and plot of the latest episode, and honor and celebrate the achievements of our TV heroes. Currently, during their hiatus (means production break) activities such as charity actions and solo projects are in high demand, and we are happy about every snapshot of our favorite actors. This world wide fandom of Hawaii Five-O is still very impressing and exciting to me. 😍 πŸ’―

Finally, a few words about my trip. For the moment, the turmoil in me seems to settle down a bit. It feels  good to talk to people who know and love the islands. Every time someone confirms their love for Hawaii towards me and shares their experiences and knowledge generously it touches me a lot. Mahalo nui loa to all of you! Thank you so much! πŸ’‹

"Follow your passion - it will lead you to your purpose"

Aloha! πŸŒ΄πŸŒΊπŸ™

⤇  Thanks for reading! Comments & thoughts appreciated. ⤆

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