Tuesday, August 13, 2019

It goes on, - ENGLISH version

... right? 

Do you know the feeling of taking one step forward and then two back? Oh, I don't like that! The last four weeks have been marked by this and are currently overshadowing the anticipation of my journey.

In fact, in the meantime, I've done some things from my to-do list. At one of the hottest days of the year I went to a Photo Studio and made passport photos. Can you imagine my face when the photographer told me I should not try to travel to a muslim country because my shoulders are not covered on that photo? Honestly speaking I was a bit shocked to get this advice from a German in my own home country. I have to admit that a while later I realized that Turkey, Egypt, Marocco and Tunisia which are popular destinations are also muslim countries. Anyway, his hint had made me wonder. Done, ticked off. Next, I applied for a passport and a new ID card. In progress, ticked off.👍

A new driver license is also on my list because I still own an old paper driver license (in pink) that might not be accepted in the States. So I go for the 2nd time in my life to the DMV office. My impression: Holy shit!😶 Crowds in front of the building and in the building as well! You have to draw a number and wait for it to be called. I direct to the information counter and ask the two young employees what I have to do and where I have to adress to if I want to renieuw my driver license. What a surprise! My driver license was issued at another district and thus I need a special document from exactly that district before being able to get a new license. They give me a little piece of paper on which a fax number and a few explanatory words are and send me away. Great! Can you make it even more complicated?😒My DL was issued in the neighbour district and not at the other end of this country. Long live the bureaucracy! But I'm a good citizen and I have no other choice.😔 The next day I try to get someone on the phone at that district office and at the end of the day I'm frustrated because I have no success.😠 Since I really have no time and no desire to sacrifice a day's holiday to go to this office and wait for my turn, I send an e-mail and expect that it will be lost unnoticed on the Internet. And there they are, the little everyday miracles!😏 I've sent the e-mail on Friday and on Wednesday I receive an answer that the requested information has been sent to the local district office. That's insane!😉 To avoid ending in that described crowd of people I make an online appointment. We'll see if it works.

I'm looking out of the window ... Um..stop!✋ We already had that before.
Seven months ago my article for the TraumHawaii forum started exactly with these words. No, it's not snowing at the moment but the weather is currently with only 21°C quite far away from what I name Summer. I prefer the really hot days we had some weeks ago instead of this I-have-no-idea-what-season-I-want-to-be-weather. Oh, I wish I could finally start my trip to Hawai'i! At some days I'm very impatient and these are the days when I'm glad to have my new Twitter friends. Twitter is quite impressive. It wasn't my goal but meanwhile about 120 people from all over the world are following me.😯 Very impressive, especially because the number is still increasing. In addition to the fact of obtaining interesting information, I love the contact with people from different countries. Australia, France, UK, Southafrica, Mexico, USA, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, The Philippines, Hawaii, Italy and of course Germany also. Yeah, that's kind of my thing, I have to admit.

That was already the case with ICQ. Do you remember that messenger with the funny sound when a new message arrived?😁 The 'Ohoh'...

So far, everything sounds pretty good, right? You may wonder why did I start this post with 'taking one step forward and then two back'. Because sometimes life is so unfair and mean. Symbolically it starts running, jumps in your back and knocks you down.💥 I hope this metaphor also works in English - sorry, if not!  Four weeks ago I got to know that a good friend is in coma. She's a seasoned woman with three grown kids who I admire for so many things she already managed in her life. She's like a big sis to me. It had been extremely unlucky circumstances that she had to be revived and remained in a coma til today. The worse thing is: there is no hope. I know that I'll lose an extremely cheerful and heartfelt friend and that I'll miss her painfully.💔 For that reason I hope you'll understand that I want to dedicate my last lines in this post to my friend. She was so happy for me and encouraged me to fulfill my Hawai'i dream and now I will not be able to share it with her. I will never forget her and there is one thing I know with absolute certainty: No matter where we go, when we leave our earthly life behind. Like a whirlwind my friend will come there and thrill everything and everyone with her gloriously cheerfulness and her wonderful humor! 💗💗💗

Those we love can never be more than a thought away ... 
for as long as there's a memory they live in our hearts to stay. 

A hui hou, Moni! 

⤇  Thanks for reading! Comments & thoughts appreciated. ⤆

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