Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Soon it's time!

You have to travel to learn.
- Mark Twain

3 days and the rest of today - and then we're off. I actually wanted to write a few words on my blog earlier, but somehow life got in the way. That's just the way it is sometimes. 

So, the preparations are as good as finished. We just have to pack our suitcases and then we're off to the airport in the early hours of Saturday morning. 

I've been asked several times in the last few days whether I'm excited yet. Nope, somehow not - at least not at the moment. Last week it was a different story when my mother, who is almost 88 years old, had to go into hospital unexpectedly at short notice due to her heart condition. Fortunately, everything turned out well - thanks to her doctor, who had recognized the danger - because the suspicion of a heart attack was fortunately not confirmed. 🙏🏼 There was a bit of excitement and fuss, but after 4 days and appropriate examinations, she was allowed to go home again. I guess my peace and quiet will come to an end when I have to pack my bags, because that is anything but my favorite pastime. No matter for how long, no matter where I'm going. Packing and unpacking my suitcase always involves a lot of swearing; I just can't help it.  🙈

It's just starting to rain here and I can see the images I've seen over the last few days from the areas of Germany south of me. Streams and rivers bursting their banks again and flooding the surrounding countryside. Tragically, it's not much different on O'ahu at the moment, as unusually heavy and prolonged rainfall has led to flooded and mud-covered roads there too. I think this is rather unusual for this time of year there. When my friend sent me photos and videos of her attempt to get home to the Northshore by car a few days ago, I wrote to her: "Hey!" I came for the sun, not the rain! I have that at home too." Well then, let's see what the situation will be like in about 103 hours. 

In any case, I'm already looking forward to seeing old friends again and meeting new ones. I'm looking forward to getting away from my everyday life for longer than just a weekend. And I'm looking forward to new impressions and experiences, as well as many things that I've missed. Just thinking about my beloved coconuts and all the other goodies they have in Hawai'i! Ohhh, don't make me list them all! 😂

If you feel like joining me on this journey, just check back on my blog from time to time. I think it will be worth it. 😉

Aloha 🤙🏼

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