Friday, March 29, 2019

Update - 216 days to Hawai'i - ENGLISH version


10 weeks ago we booked the journey and I knew I need to be patient. But frankly speaking I did not expected that it would be so hard for me. πŸ˜•

There is still enough to take care of:
- a new passport & photos for it
- renew driver's license
- apply for Visa (shortly before departure)
- hotel booking Waikiki Beach still pending

Some weeks ago I opened a Twitter account because I thought to get actual information about the islands that way. It took me a while to find out how it works. Basically a good idea but quickly you're temped to follow all kinds of people, organisations and companies like photographers, airlines, local press, travel portals, real estate agents and rentals. I am very fascinated by Hawai'i and I am excited still learning so much new about the islands. Every day, many beautiful pictures and nice videos are posted that make it hard for me to stay patient. Okay, I should not complain about it, because it's my own decision to look at it. This is a 'complaining on a high level' because I am in the lucky position of being able to afford this journey - and I know this of course. πŸ˜‡

... and then I can follow the Twitter accounts of my favourite actors and musicians. Just click the follow button and you'll get all the news. But guess? Of course I ended up in some fandoms of Hawaii-Five-0. Oh Lord! What's going on there?! So much information! It is really exciting to read where and when filming takes place and to see snapshots and videos of the actors and their work. Though, seeing the disrespect and recklessness of some people towards the actors makes me sad. Indeed I saw in a video the main actors trying to drive away some impudent fans which where obstructing the filming. I saw bodyguards who had to intervene because of irreverent fans. And I think: Seriously folks? How would you feel if someone behaved in this way towards you?😬

Sadly I know that it's everywhere the same way and that I am not going to save the world. However, I can not hold back: Respect, kindness, politeness, tolerance, honesty. Everyone should behave as they would like to be treated by others. When everyone would start with himself we could achieve so much and we could really make a difference. Think about it! We would have won a lot this way, I'm sure. Don't you agree? πŸ˜‰

In this context, I would like to quote one of my favorite actors who unfortunately has already passed away.

Robin Williams 

This is so true!


⤇  Thanks for reading! Comments & thoughts appreciated. ⤆

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